Asian Ramen Salad

Yields: 6 Servings Difficulty: Easy Prep Time: 15 Mins Cook Time: 5 Mins Total Time: 20 Mins

You must remember this one right? My Mom used to make it for every potluck, family BBQ or picnic we ever went to in the 90s. As a kid, I was always amazed that we were allowed to eat raw ramen noodles and didn’t have to sneak them. I don’t think I noticed that I was eating vegetables in large amounts just to get a bite of the crunchy goodness. Today, as an adult, the story is very similar!

A low carb, quick salad with an amazing toasted, crunchy salad topper you couldn’t dream of finding in the grocery store. Take this for lunch all week, add BBQ chicken for dinner and I promise you the hubby and kids will love it too.


0/16 Ingredients
  • Dressing


0/3 Instructions
  • Preheat oven to 425F, spread crumbled ramen noodles (leave some chunky), sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, pecans, and sliced almonds on a baking sheet and bake for 15 minutes, stirring every 5 minutes. Once the mixture is slightly golden and roasted, set aside.
  • In a small bowl, whisk together all the salad dressing ingredients and set aside.
  • In a large bowl, add coleslaw mix, orange pepper, snap peas, ramen noodle mixture and salad dressing a little at a time until your desired amount. Serve immediately.


  • No coleslaw mix? Combine a mixture of green cabbage, red cabbage and grated carrot until you have close to four cups.
  • Ramen seasoning packs? Save them! Or sprinkle 1/4 pack on your baking sheet full of noodles, seeds and nuts before you bake!
  • Always keep your dressing and salad separate until right before you want to serve, this will guarantee crunchy everything!
  • Missing nuts or seeds? The ones on the list can be easily substituted for almost anything in your pantry, get creative


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